藝起舞動的搖擺舞派對,邀請台灣首屈一指的踢霹歐爵士大樂團,演奏經典的搖擺樂 ; 精彩的搖擺舞表演,將由 Big Apple搖擺舞教室 的專業舞者擔綱演出。悅耳的音樂、動感的舞蹈,帶您重返搖擺年代的歡愉盛世。
此次藝術節與 Big Apple搖擺舞教室 合作,凡購買踢霹歐爵士大樂團場次的貴賓,憑購票證明即可至搖擺舞教室,參加指定日期的免費搖擺舞體驗喔!
- 搖擺舞體驗場次:9月17日、9月24日、 10月15日、10月29日
- 地點:台北市松山區南京東路三段335巷5號B1
- 時間:17:45-19:15
- 體驗資格:出示大稻埕國際藝術節主辦之-藝起舞動 10/30(日)踢霹歐大樂團場次的購票證明,即可免費參加搖擺舞體驗,請先至 https://bit.ly/3RglJ4L 報名。
The TTTIFA Dance Party harkens back the days when dances were celebrations of life, struggles and joys, shared by musicians and anyone who wanted to dance or listen and feel the joy of movement. It’s an organic process that has nothing to do with DJ equipment and everything to do with people.
TTTIFA Dance Party will feature the TPO Big Band playing swing music featuring Big Apple Swing Studio performing swing dance with the band.
Audience members who have tickets for the Music Global TPO show are able to participate in a swing dance trial lesson held by Big Apple Swing Studio.
- Dates of trial lesson:9/17、9/24、 10/15、10/29
- Location:B1F., No. 5, Ln. 335, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
- Time:17:45-19:15
- Qualification:Ticket of the TPO concert in TTTIFA 2022. Please sign up first on https://bit.ly/3RglJ4L .
- 入場時請配合測量體溫並以酒精消毒雙手。額溫超過 37.5 度或有身體不適等症狀者,請返家休息。
- 若遭遇任何不可抗力因素,活動將取消或延期舉辦,日期另行通知。
- 憑購票證明,將可參加 Big Apple 搖擺舞教室所舉辦之指定日期搖擺舞體驗課程。記得先至 https://bit.ly/3RglJ4L 報名。
- 報名成功後,若不克前往或任何票務問題,請主動聯絡我們,謝謝!
- 主辨單位保有變更本活動內容細節之權利。
- Please cooperate with taking your temperature and sanitizing your hands with alcohol when entering the venue. If your forehead temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees or you have symptoms such as physical discomfort, please go home and rest.
- In the event of any force majeure, the event will be cancelled or postponed until further notice on the date and place.
- After the registration is successful, if you can't come, please contact us, thank you.
- The main agency reserves the right to change the details of the content of this activity.
- If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ first, or contact us at the following website: https://sedaijin.com/p/contact, thank you!